GoF Design Patterns – Mediator Design Pattern
The Mediator design pattern is a behavioral pattern that promotes loose coupling between objects by defining a mediator object that encapsulates how these objects interact with each other. …
by Dominik Cebula
The Mediator design pattern is a behavioral pattern that promotes loose coupling between objects by defining a mediator object that encapsulates how these objects interact with each other. …
The Memento design pattern is a behavioral pattern that allows an object to capture and store its internal state so that it can be restored later if needed. It provides a way to undo or rollback an object’s state to a previous state without violating its encapsulation. …
The Flyweight design pattern is a memory consumption optimization technique. It reduces the amount of required memory by sharing the common and immutable state across many objects. …
The Singleton Design Pattern is a creational design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance and ensures that a global point of access is provided to that instance. …
Overview The Prototype Design Pattern is a creational design pattern that allows us to create new objects by cloning existing ones rather than creating them
The Builder Design Pattern is a creational design pattern used to construct complex objects in a step-by-step manner. …
The Abstract Factory Design Pattern is a creational design pattern that allows for the creation of families of related objects. …
The Factory Method Design Pattern is a creational design pattern that allows you to customize a class behavior by overriding the method used to create an object with which the class will collaborate. …
The Adapter design pattern is a structural design pattern that allows incompatible classes to work together. …
The Composite design pattern is a structural pattern that allows us to work with individual objects and a group of objects in the same way. …